"In the end we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we are taught."
Sharks Matter
Sharks are vital to keep the oceans healthy and balanced. As apex predators they help to maintain complex ecosystems full of diversity and life by feeding on the animals below them in the food web, preventing one species from monopolizing a limited resource and removing sick and weak individuals. They serve as a key indicator for ocean health.
Unfortunately, many shark populations around the world are experiencing a rapid decline due to fishing. Current regulatory protection for shark species is complex, difficult to implement effectively and often lack the global framework necessary to address the highly migratory nature of most shark species.
We can make a change
Educational Campaigns
Through direct intervention in affected areas, through educational programs, specific research and studies, as well as through the development of media communication campaigns to drive up public awareness.
Shark meat is a popular product in Mexico. Neonates, young and adult sharks are sold as “Cazon” in supermarkets, restaurants, bars, and fish markets which poses a challenge to change cultural traditions.
Fishermen Community Engagement
Our plan is to be actively engaged with local communities to develop sustainable alternatives such as ecotourism platforms that directly support development in highly dependent coastal fishing communities.
We aim to protect shark habitats: Protection of key bearing, interaction and reproduction sites for sharks through ecotourism and citizen science.
The idea is to work with fishermen in coastal communities to collect research data (Fin ID, traceability, buyers & intermediates, shark species seasonality and life cycles etc).
In order to achieve sustainable change it is necessary to create greater environmental awareness across all sectors of society, from fishermen down on the ground all the way to politicians as well as the general public.
Distinctive ID markings and behaviour Observations recorded by guests
Responsible Practices, Code of Conduct and Educational Experience